Morse Pond Review: The 47 People You’ll Meet in Middle School

9781524765132The 47 People You’ll Meet in Middle School

Kristin Mahoney

Knopf Books for Young Readers

Available August 6th, 2019


In the book The 47 People You’ll Meet in Middle School, a girl named Augusta (Gus) is just starting middle school. Her best friend now goes to a different middle school and Gus doesn’t want to lose her. Gus has the same problems as you and I have going into middle school. She is also dealing with her parent’s divorce. Gus is having a hard time. Can she overcome it? This book Is amazing! I read it ALL in one night. Definitely top 10. It is easy to relate to because I am kind of going through the same things Gus is going through so it was really fun and easy to read!

~Aimee, grade 5

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